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  • 29 May 2024 10:47 AM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    This month, we talked to George Lake founder of Bluelake law about US immigration. We learnt that US immigration law can take longer and is more complicated by the year and how to start the process early! 

    1. Tell us about your organization and what it does and what is unique about it?  We are a boutique US immigration law firm with particular experience with the US consulates in Belgium, the Netherlands and surrounding countries. We help the family of US citizens immigrate to the United States and European businesses to obtain visas for their employees to work in the United States. While most US immigration attorneys are located in the United States, we are located in Europe, in your time zone and with specific local knowledge and experience.

    2. What have we learnt from about US immigration talking to Bluelake? It seems to get longer and more complicated by the year! But there are still some provisions left for those resident in Belgium - such as allowing families to expedite their Green Card cases directly through the US Embassy in Brussels. Discover some useful tips about filing your green cards from the Blue lake law firm blog: Fast-track Green Card Abroad: I-130 Filing Help | Blue Lake Law.

    3. What advice would you give our readers looking to immigrate to the US?  Start early! Some of the processes available can take more than a year so its good to plan ahead.

    4. How can people get in touch with you? Feel free to reach out by email to and schedule a call. There are free consultations for ACB members!

  • 13 May 2024 10:21 AM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    This month we talked to the film directors and producers of UNCONDITIONAL, a documentary film which premiered internationally at the European Parliament in Brussels on 16 April 2024. Seven years in the making, a first of its kind film from award-winning filmmaker Richard Lui, on the topic that affects 100 million Americans – mental health. UNCONDITIONAL is an Oscars-qualified film honored at the White House, United Nations & U.S. Congress, which profiles three families and their seven year journey of mental strength. 


    1. Why did you make this film? What does UNCONDITIONAL mean to you?
    I wanted to shift the conversation about mental health and bring it into the mainstream. UNCONDITIONAL began seven years ago to try to share what emotional health challenges look like. It is a film about the importance of mental health for those living with a disability. And it is a film that shows how their caregivers too, often face questions of their own emotional health but don’t know it. The film explores how mental health is not what we think it is. It is not only the polar extremes of what the movies or media make it out to be. It also comes in shades of gray and in places we do not expect or know. It is also not a subject that is inherently negative. Mental health can be about strength, too.

    2. Can you tell us a bit more about what made you film this over the course of seven years?

    Nine years ago, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Shortly after, I stepped back from my work as a cable news anchor, changing to work part time on weekends. I started to make a weekly commute from my work in New York and my family in San Francisco. The team filmed each of the three families over seven years. We made multiple trips back to each family’s hometown, and kept the same team together for the entire filming process. This allowed us to document how the family adapted to care for their loved one over time.

    3. What do you want audiences to take away from this film?
    The film is a reason to start talking about mental health with your loved ones. It’s  more important than ever. I want audiences to realize that no matter where you’re from, you can be a part of this conversation. That it is okay to say you’re not sure if you’re okay.

    4. For those who missed the international premiere at the European Parliament in Brussels in April, where can we watch UNCONDITIONAL?
    UNCONDITIONAL is available to buy or rent digitally on Amazon Prime Video.

  • 08 Mar 2024 12:38 PM | Contact ACB (Administrator)


    This month, we sat down with the team at Dunhill Financial, a wealth management firm that provides extensive and bespoke financial planning and investment services. We talked about, its latest robo-advisor platform, specifically designed to empower American expatriates to achieve their financial goals, seamlessly manage their investments, and navigate the complexities of international finance.

    1. Tell us a bit about DF-Direct? 

    As a cross-border financial firm, we are always aware of the difficulties people living abroad can have when dealing with cross-border financial aspects. DF-Direct is our roboadvisor that is specifically designed for US expats in mind, to provide a simple investment solution that doesn't cost an arm and a leg or lead to confusing and frustrating problems when dealing with aspects of being a US citizen abroad. Naturally, DF-Direct uses the same portfolio as its sister company, Dunhill Financial, ensuring that these investments are compliant on the US side as well.

    2.  What's unique about DF Direct and why did you create it?

    It's no secret that American expats face unique investment challenges, such as being unable to open accounts in both the US and their host country, or even being forced out of accounts in either due to their US connection. Investing in a compliant way while living abroad is often a source of confusion and frustration for many Americans who are just trying to build their wealth like anyone else. DF-Direct was born out of a need to address these challenges, and provide expats with a modern, accessible, and affordable solution to grow their money effectively - without having to worry about whether their investments are compliant with US rules, or being turned away for being an American.

    3. What are your goals/hopes for the future?

    We've created a platform that has a unique value proposition: one with low, transparent fees and no minimum investment. Our goal is to make investment accessible and affordable for all expats, regardless of their financial background or where they are in their expat journey. The hope for the future is that our solution will continue to unlock more and more potential for expats around the world to grow their assets without needing to worry about whether they comply with the US or their local regulations.

    4. How do we get in touch with the DF team to learn more? 

    For anyone curious to learn more about DF-Direct and how it can help them, we have a webinar coming up on March 27th you can find here. We will not only take you through what to expect on the platform and how it works, but also take your questions about expat investing in a live Q&A session at the end. We're excited to hear from any and all Americans abroad and the questions we can help them with!

  • 01 Feb 2024 1:47 PM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    This month we sat down with the organizers behind the Brussels-based Millenium Documentary Film Festival. We talked about how the Festival started, what's unique about its 16th edition and its hope for the future!

    1. Tell us a bit about the Millenium Festival? 

    Created in 2009, the Millenium International Documentary Film Festival has dedicated its programming to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Through the alliance between documentary cinema and social, cultural and political issues - the Sustainable Development Goals have been the festival’s trademark since the early beginning.

    Every year since 2009, The Millenium Film Festival is presenting over 60 documentary films from all around the world, as well as more than 20 Belgian productions. Its programming focuses on discovering new talent and selecting films that contribute to exploring new avenues documentary cinema. In addition to the screenings, several Masterclass are given by award-winning professional of the industry. The festival is renowned internationally as a major meeting place for committed artists, European decision-makers, audiovisual professionals, and young filmmakers.

    2. What's unique about the Festival 16th edition this year?

    The 16th edition of the Millenium Festival will be held from March 15 to 22, 2024. This year promises to be truly special as we welcome the legendary filmmaker Oliver Stone as our distinguished guest of honor. Assembling a jury of international acclaim, showcasing documentaries from around the globe, providing a platform for emerging talents, and introducing unprecedented masterclasses, this edition is set to be a cinematic feast like no other.

    Key Highlights:

    Oliver Stone as Guest of Honor: The festival is thrilled to host the three-time Oscar-winning American director Oliver Stone. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage with Stone during a special masterclass that spans his illustrious career.

    Global Documentary Showcase: Explore diverse perspectives from around the world as we present a curated selection of documentaries that capture the essence of unique cultures, untold stories, and pressing issues.

    World Class Masterclasses: This edition introduces exclusive masterclasses, offering an in-depth look into the art and craft of documentary filmmaking. Participants will have the chance to learn from industry experts and gain valuable insights into the filmmaking process.

    Grand Opening at Flagey: The festival kicks off with a spectacular evening at Flagey on March 15th, featuring the screening of the documentary "The Art of Losing". The grand opening will be further elevated with a masterclass by Oliver Stone, providing a comprehensive exploration of his remarkable body of work.

    3. What are your goals/hopes for the future of this festival?

    Looking ahead, our goals and aspirations for the future of the Millenium International Documentary Film Festival are deeply rooted in our commitment to promoting documentaries from around the world that showcase diverse realities and stimulate reflection on the political, environmental, and social challenges of today and tomorrow. We aim to continue and expand our efforts in providing a platform for emerging filmmakers, ensuring they hold a significant place in our programming. Additionally, our focus remains on implementing initiatives that facilitate access to documentary cinema for a diverse audience, transcending social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. As part of our vision for international growth, we aspire to export the festival abroad, with a particular interest in extending our cinematic celebration to Chile and Ecuador.

    Full program details will be announced shortly:

    ACB members can enjoy a 30% discount on all individual tickets and Festival pass, ordered on the Millenium Festival website, with the discount code: MILLENIUMSPECIAL30% 

    NB. This is not applicable to the opening night, which can be purchased as a single ticket on the Flagey website only.

  • 15 Dec 2023 1:38 PM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    What influenced you to change your name to American Groceries Europe? 

    We were having many people from other countries contact us to see if we shipped outside of Belgium. As our business grew to the point that we now ship to all EU countries, we thought that American Groceries Europe was more apt to reflect our business’ reach. 

    Why partner with local American businesses?

    After meeting other American business owners in the Brussels region, we realized that we had the same client base. We could partner together to inform our different client groups about the other American businesses in the region. It helps all the businesses and creates a nice community with different talents that we think Americans and other English speaking expats appreciate! 

    Plus it’s fun to brainstorm ideas, tag each other’s businesses; and host joint events!! We are happy to have a strong American business community with Eat Dessert First by Laura, Dooley’s American Smoke House, CHEZWaWa, and Mir Taxes.
    We also partner with Belgian businesses – this enabled us to offer Turkeys for Thanksgiving; and we are offering Turkeys and stuffed Turkeys for the Christmas holidays. They can be ordered through our online store. 

    We’re always happy to talk to other businesses to learn how we help each other to be successful!

    What are some of the challenges you have faced running through these changes?  

    One challenge has been to determine the most reliable shipping partner to ship outside the Benelux region. After trying several providers, we have determined that Bpost is the best partner based on its tracking capabilities and shipment speed and reliability.   

    Our physical location has also moved from a small distribution center in north Wavre to the central shopping street in the center of Overijise. It’s been a lot of fun running a proper store on Saturdays! We now have a freezer and fridge to offer beef hot dogs, large angus beef patties, plain bagels, and offer Pickup for clients of Eat Dessert First by Laura during peak holiday periods - her pecan and pumpkin pies flew out the door over Thanksgiving!

    Another challenge we have successfully solved is the Belgian law requirement to label in local languages – especially since our physical location has now moved from Wallonia to Overijise in Flanders. 

  • 14 Jul 2023 12:13 PM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    This month we caught up with talented singer-songwriter, entrepreneur, and brand new ACB PARTNER: Steffi Pacson. We explored the inspiration behind her music, as well as the importance of learning different musical languages as a performing artist.



    How did you begin your musical journey?

    I started pretty late! When I was fifteen, I starred in a musical and at that point I did not know that I could or even liked to sing. I received so much positive feedback and discovered my lovefor music. Very early on, I knew I did not want to be just a singer. I wanted to be very independent and so I took up the piano, auditioned as a piano major at Adelphi University, and got in! I prepared Gymnopédie by Erik Satie and [a piece by] Chopin. At that point, I did not know my scales or technique but I worked my butt off to have that way of communication through a physical instrument. Around that same time, I got into songwriting workshops to learn to write and was regularly attending the Nashville Songwriters Association International as well as the New York Songwriters’ Circle. After my bachelors, I decided to apply to study audio engineering at SAE Institute of Technology New York. So, after my educational period, I wasnot only able to produce, record, mix, and master but also able to sing and write my own songs.

    Why take the time to be an independent artist?

    I’m looking for ways to fully express every single part of me. I had experiences in the studio and did not know how to communicate with the engineer what I wanted because I did not have the vocabulary. I knew what I wanted but did not know how to explain it. Now, I can never be lost in the signal flow because I understand it from their point of view. I wanted a full range of communication and to be able express exactly what my vision is.

    What inspires your music?

    For me, it’s life. It’s the human process. The creative process strongly parallels the human process. That’s what creativity is! It’s inspired by life. How you translate art from your life depends on how you want it to be seen by the public and how you want it to be perceived even by yourself. Even after you create your work, the perception after the fact can be different.

    How do you want your audience to feel when listening to you?

    I want those who are listening to feel empowered; to have this feeling of accepting themselves in the human and creative process. Now my upcoming EP talks a lot about female empowerment and accepting yourself in your human form and empowering yourself in the highs and lows of life. That’s the message I want for people to have.

    What influenced you to open Pacson Studios?

    There was a moment where I hesitated to continue doing music. I was at a crossroads. I realized I want to help people. For some time, I took a break from music and I worked in fashion and was in customer service. I realized I loved contacting the clients. I loved customer service and music, so I put that together. During this time, my father passed away and it had a big impact on me. I wanted to name the studio after him. If he’s hearing me somewhere, I hope he’s proud of me and sees it’s named after him.

    Future Goals?

    I would like to create a bigger impact with my teaching style. I receive positive feedback and see positive outcomes with those whom I teach. I also want to expand my studio. I have my music studio here in Brussels, Pacson Studios, opened here in February and we just finished renovations. Two of the rooms are ready to be rented to teachers so they can teach their lessons. I really wanted to make it teacher-friendly. Here in Brussels the idea of renting a space to teach is a relatively unknown concept. I keep my rent super low to encourage teachers to increase their self-value to increase the value of their services. Also, for my band, I want to do more concerts! I’m preparing my set list for music festivals next year.

    Where can we find you?

    I have a 2nd single and my first EP coming out soon! To keep up with me and my upcoming projects, you can visit my website, my Instagram, my Youtube, and my Spotify.

  • 20 Jun 2023 12:27 PM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    This month we sat down with the Anna who is a Volunteer and Project Coordination Manager at Serve the City in Brussels. We talked about how the charity mobilises volunteers in Belgium who are willing to  make a difference in their city by helping people most in need and how everyone can get involved!

    1. Tell us a bit about  Serve the City?

    Serve the City is a non-profit organisation that mobilises, enables, and manages volunteers in Belgium who are willing to do good and make a difference in their city by helping people most in need. With our team of volunteers, we serve the homeless, asylum seekers, refugees, theelderly, the disabled, children in need, and victims of abuse. We run our own projects, but we also support other local and international non-profits who are in need of volunteer power to help run their projects. Our projects can be split into four categories. We have social projects where the goal is all about socialising with each other. For example, we go into centres for asylum seekers and play with thekids. The second category is educational projects. For instance, we do lots of different homeworkclubs with children in need and also English and French classes. We also have more practical projects. These projects are all about helping behind the scenes to ensure the projects can run smoothly. For example, we have a brand new electric van that is used to deliver food to ourdifferent projects. We are always looking for drivers! The last category is food outreach. Unfortunately, there are thousands of people dealing with food insecurity in Brussels alone. Our food outreach projects are all about addressing this with a smile. Weekly, we prepare and distribute more than 3500 hot meals as well as other distributions, such as breakfasts for ourfriends on the streets. With these four categories, everyone can find a project suited to them! To give an idea of the scale of our activities, in 2022 we distributed more than 114,000 hot meals and more than 91,000 lunch bags, ran 38 weekly projects and had 1443 volunteers complete over 22,000 volunteering hours. None of this would have been possible without our amazing volunteers who show so much compassion on a daily basis.

    2. What are some of the challenges you've faced in running this program?

    At times it can be hard to find volunteers for certain projects. Often we are lacking drivers for our Monday and Wednesday driving shifts. These are essential for the functioning of our projects. They deliver the more than 500 meals needed for lunch on the same day, so there are many people relying on this shift happening! As you can imagine, having so many projects comes at a financial cost. We rely on the support of individuals and organisations who ensure that we can continue to do the work we do. Without the generosity of people, we would not be able to keep running all of our projects and helping those in our city who need it most.

    4. Where have you seen a direct impact on the community?

    Personally, I have seen a huge change in the children who attend the homework club we do in the centres for asylum seekers. The kids who live in the centre come from all over the world. They arrive in Belgium and immediately go to school, often without the languages and without having experienced a Belgian educational system. As you can imagine, this is really hard on the kids. Through weekly support and building relationships, we have seen them learn languages within weeks and start to excel at school. Here is what one of the 13 year-olds who comes every week has to say: “I like when you come to help us. I don’t like doing homework alone. When you’re here you make us feel like we can do it. When I’m on my own I don’t believe I can. My mum can’t really help me and doing homework on my own is hard. I feel less scared when I do it with you. You help me concentrate. It’s not boring, you make it fun. It is different than at school. Here I can be me. I feel more at home here. You’re my friends.” On the other side, we have seen that volunteering also really impacts the volunteers themselves. It truly is a force for change. We have seen complete transformation within people. It’s so much more than simply giving someone a sandwich. Alison, one of our very committed Project Leaders has this to say about the impact of volunteering: “In October 2020 I started volunteering at the Lunch 4 All project up to 4 times a week; it was during a lockdown and I found it gave me purpose and structure to an otherwise very challenging time. In June 2021 I was asked to help lead the project twice a week. I had many doubts about my capabilities to take on this responsibility as 300 - 400 people come to the Red Cross centre every lunchtime. Happily, I tried and I have now been a project leader for one year. I am 62 years old and volunteering with STC has become very important to me at this stage of my life. My confidence has grown, I feel useful and it’s very satisfying to be part of this team. I give my time but I receive so much more.”

    5. What are your goals/hopes for the future of this program?

    Currently, Serve the City Belgium is active in Brussels, Leuven and Wavre. In the coming years we would love to have a Serve the City volunteering community in more cities across Belgium. We would also love to expand our projects and serve as many people as we can!

    6. Is there a story you have that represents Serve the City? 

    We have amazing volunteers, so it's hard to pick just one! As we like to say, many people doing small things together can make a big difference. I think a standout is someone who is currently helping us a lot. He arrived in Belgium in September 2022 and was coming to one of our food distributions to receive lunch every day. After a couple of weeks he saw an opportunity to get involved himself and downloaded our app. He started volunteering at the very project he relied on. Today he is still helping out at many different projects and comes to the office everyday to support us here as well. He is still waiting in the asylum seeking process, but in the meantime heis making a massive difference to people in the same shoes as him.

    7. Where can we find you/How can we get involved?

    Getting involved is super easy! We have an app called ServeNow. On this app you can see all our different projects and volunteering opportunities. With just a few clicks you can register for shifts. We do not expect any kind of commitment. If you can come once a week, great! If you can come once every month, also great! We are very flexible and love to see people getting involved, no matter how frequently. We hope to see you at our projects soon!

  • 22 May 2023 10:19 AM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    This month we sat down with the lovely Mrs. Norma Decker Hoagland, co-author of The Life and Legacy of Elizabeth Miller Watkins. She crafted a biography of an early 20th Century business woman and shares with us the impact Elizabeth Watkins had on her own life and the lives of many women attending Kansas University still today.

    1. What inspired you to write about Elizabeth Miller Watkins?

    It’s been about fifteen years since I’ve been researching Elizabeth. The first book I wrote was an architectural history book on a landmark on campus of the University of Kansas. This landmark was commissioned and designed by Elizabeth Watkins. I just was so captured by Elizabeth. She was born in 1861 and was a woman of business when women weren’t in business! She was so steady of character and determined. I found it absolutely remarkable.

    2. Has writing about Elizabeth influenced your life?

    Oh, absolutely. She has made me more confident, more willing to stand up for myself in business, and speak up where I might not have before. I felt like so many young women needed to hear a story of a strong business woman.

    3. What was the most interesting part of research?

    My co-author, Mary Burchill and I had to go through business letters in order to piece together her life. In total, the records of her businesses extended the length of two football fields! For a story of two people set in the Victorian era, there’s nothing boring about it. There was intrigue, blackmail, family drama, and more. It’s quite a story we were able to uncover.

    4. Where can we find your book?

    You can find The Life and Legacy of Elizabeth Miller Watkins on Barnes & Nobles, Amazon, Target.

  • 12 Apr 2023 2:27 PM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    This month we sat down with designer and founder of Morphée Joaillerie, Pamela Hastry, to discuss how Belgium has imprinted itself on her artform as a gemologist, designer, and goldsmith. We learned that jewels are not merely stones, but partake in our life stories; spanning cultures and transforming into something touchingly human.

    1. How have your travels impacted your art?

    After working for brands like Cartier, Van Cleef, and Chaumet, I started a jewelry formation. I wanted to understand different cultural perspectives, patrimony, and heritages and the know-how of this trade. I moved and traveled to engage with different cultures, workshops, and techniques; to learn the best from everywhere. Adaptability is incredibly important and impacts the end product dramatically.

    Brussels is almost like neutral territory. It has its identity but it’s composed of many elements and I think that I associate that with myself. There are roots which are undeniable, but then there is also a sense of adaptability or a cross-cultural point of view on things. During my time in Paris or Rome, working in places like Place Vendôme, characteristics of those places are imprinted on me. The quality of craftsmanship and materials remain important to me, those are my roots in my design work; the excellence I strive for.

    2. World Citizenry in a Ring:

    Recently, a Persian customer who practices the Bahá'í Faith asked me to make a signet ring of his religion. His prophet was martyred in Constantinople, now Istanbul. I made a signet ring using a lot of the symbols of his religion so it may be identified clearly as a religious ring. In Washington DC there is the temple of religions, where all faiths are represented in the architecture, of which there is one pillar dedicated to the Bahá'í Faith.

    I took the motif and repeated it on the ring and on the side I used zoomorphic calligraphy written in Arabic. To do something like this, I cannot delegate this craftsmanship totally to a French jeweler because Arabic calligraphy is very specific. So, I made the basic ring in Paris and called upon my friends in Istanbul to finish the ring and complete the zoomorphic calligraphy.

    In the end, it took the story of the prophet in the picture and brought it back to Brussels before being sent to Rwanda where my Iranian customer resided!

    3. How can people get in touch?

    Shop Address:

    Brussels Boutique - Place du Grand Sablon

    1 Impasse Saint Jacques, B-1000 Belgium


    Telephone: +32 (0)475 869 879


  • 13 Feb 2023 10:25 AM | Contact ACB (Administrator)

    1. Tell us about your organization and what it does and what is unique about it? 

    With more than 250 venues in more than seventy countries worldwide, the Hard Rock Cafe is aninternationally recognized global brand with a standard that keeps its customers returning.Regardless of where you are in the world, the warm welcome and service you receive is consistent throughout its owned/licensed hotels, casinos, Rock Shops and cafes. Nowhere is this truer than in their Belgium based Hard Rock Cafes located in its capital, Brussels. The Brussels Hard Rock Cafe opened in 2012 and we celebrated the 10 th anniversary last year with a special party and the presence of guests like world renowned Belgian DJ, Daddy K.

    2. What did we learn from speaking with Chady El Bared, General Manager?

    First Hard Rock Cafe opened its door in 1971 in London and grew into one of most recognizable brands in the world. 41 years later, the Hard Rock Cafe came to Brussels’s Grand Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visiting Hard Rock Cafe Brussels is always a memorable experience that lives long in the memory of all who walk through our doors. If ever you find yourself in Brussels and crave classic American fare like burgers, a visit here is an absolute must. We warmly welcome all members of American Club Brussels!

    3. What advice would you give our readers? 

    There is always something happening at the Hard Rock Cafe in Brussels: live music, happy hour, special celebrations, events, and special limited time offers. This week, bring you and your better half to celebrate Valentine's Day with us with live music by Long Island artist, Steffi Pacson, and a special dedicated menu! Steffi Pacson, a Belgium-based pop singer/songwriter, will play at21:30 and will be accompanied by Remo Spezza on drums and Federico Fontana on bass. For more information, click here!

    4. How can people get in touch with you? 

    ACB members are always welcome in Hard Rock Cafe Brussels! We have a longstanding, partnership with ACB and we would like to offer all members a special 10% discount on food, beverages (excluding alcohol drinks), and our merchandise in the shop. Furthermore we are specialized in organizing private events ranging from corporate dinners, birthday celebrations, to cocktail parties and business meetings. If you would like to collaborate with us for your next special event, please contact our sales team at .

    More info about Hard Rock Cafe Brussels:

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